Course Instruction Summary: Please read and study the following material carefully. When you have finished the material you will be presented with an on-line test. After successfully completing the test you will be certified as a SAIL Official. Thank you. Please send any comments, improvement suggestions, etc. to .
In any dual, divisional, Championship or Classics swim meet, when electronic timing is not used, three (3) timers per lane shall be assigned. These three timers are the official “Lane Timers”. Their times shall be recorded on the swimmer’s entry card for each event. The “Chief Timer” shall designate one of the three Timers as the “Head Lane Timer”.
Lane Timer
Officials designated as a Lane Timer usually operate only 1 watch but may simultaneously operate two dissimilar devices (one watch and one button if electronic timing is used (Championship and Classic Meet). Lane Timer’s may not operate two similar devices (two watches).
The Lane Timer’s responsibilities are as follows:
- Before the first event, the lane timer shall become familiar with the watch operation. There should be no attempts to take any split times during the race.
- The lane timer shall use their finger to start and stop any timing device. Your reaction time is better with the finger than the thumb.
- Prior to each race, the lane timer shall assure that the watch has been reset.
- Immediately prior to the start of each heat, each lane timer shall stand back several steps from the block where the strobe light can be clearly seen. Watch the strobe light for starting the watch. Stepping back allows the starter and deck referee to have a clear view of the field. If the strobe light does not flash, the starting sound should be used. If a gun is used, the flash/smoke is the starting indication.
- A long whistle indicates that the race is ready to start.
- Make sure the watch is running immediately after the strobe flash.
- If the watch does not properly start or is started late, signal the Chief Timer or Assistant Chief Timer immediately for a backup watch.
- The lane timer shall be placed directly over their assigned lane at the finish.
- As the heat end is approaching, lean over the pool end so that a clear view of the wall can be seen. Remember that touches can occur, above, at or below the water surface.
- The watch shall be stopped or button depressed when any part of the swimmer’s body touches the pool end wall. The lane timer is not responsible to determine a legal touch.
- The lane timers shall promptly report the time to the Head Lane Timer or set the watch on the Recording Timers table.
- The lane timer should not clear the watch until instructed by the Chief Timer. The Head Lane Timer will verify that all watches are cleared prior to the next race. If a Recording Timer is used, the Recording Timer is responsible to clear the watches.
Head Lane Timer
The Chief Timer for each lane designates the Head Lane Timer.
The head lane timer’s responsibilities are as follows:
- The swimmer or runner may deliver the entry card to the Head Lane Timer/Recording Timer.
- Determine if the proper swimmer is in the lane and that the proper lane number is noted on the entry card.
- The head lane timer shall designate each lane timer as “A”, “B” and “C” for recording purposes.
- Determine and record all watch times except if Recording Timers are used. The watch times should be entered on the same line from each timer. That is, Timer A watch time shall always be entered on the line designated for “A”.
- Initial the swimmer’s entry card except if Recording Timers are used.
- If the swimmer does not complete the heat, place an “X” on the back of the entry card after the words “Did not finish” and initial the front of the card.
- For relays, the swimmers shall swim in the order noted on the card. If the swimmers swim out of order, the Referee or designee shall be notified to disqualify the relay.
- For scratches, the Head Lane Timer shall turn the card in with the other cards from that heat. The word “SCRATCH” should be placed on the front of the card in the time recording area.
- A runner will pick up the entry card.
Chief Timer
The chief timer’s responsibilities are as follows:
- Assure that the lane timers are in place. Odd numbered lanes (1, 3, 5 (7)) shall have two lane timers from the home team. Even numbered lanes (2, 4, 6 (8)) shall have two timers from the visiting team.
- Instruct all timers to make sure their watches are cleared, generally by voice command.
- Signal the starter and referee, after checking your lanes and with the Assistant Chief Timer, when the swimmers and timers are ready to start the next heat.
- The chief timer shall work with the starter and referee to keep the meet moving at a steady pace.
- The chief timer shall start an additional watch for each heat.
Note: Lanes 7 and 8 are included for 8 lane pools.
Assistant Chief Timer
The assistant chief timer responsibilities are as follows:
- The visiting team shall provide the assistant chief timer.
- The assistant chief timer shall start an additional watch for each heat.
- The assistant chief timer shall cover lanes one-half the lanes of the higher numbers, such as 4, 5 and 6 (5, 6, 7 and 8).
Note: Lanes 7 and 8 are included for 8 lane pools.
Recording Timer (Optional)
Larger teams or divisional meets utilize a recording timer. A recording timer performs some of the responsibilities of the Head Lane Timer. A recording timer allows the meet to move at a quicker pace and is needed if dive-over starts are used. Dive-over starts occur when the heat of swimmers that just finished a race stay in the water while the next heat of swimmers start and “dive-over” the swimmers in the water. Each timer is required to have two watches.
The head lane timer is still responsible for the proper operation of the lane. A recording timer needs to have a chair and TV tray. The tray should be marked so that the watches are placed in the same spot each time. That is, letters “A”, “B” and “C” to match the entry card. It is recommended that a chair and table be placed at each lane at each pool end.
The recording timer’s responsibilities are as follows:
- Recording Timers are assigned as follows: Lanes 1, 3, 5 (7) – visiting team and lanes 2, 4, 6 (8) – home team.
- The swimmer or runner may deliver the entry card to the Head Lane Timer/Recording Timer.
- Determine if the proper swimmer is in the lane and that the proper lane number is noted on the entry card.
- The recording timer shall designate each lane timer as “A”, “B” and “C” for recording purposes.
- Determine and record all watch times. The watch times should be entered on the same line from each timer. That is, Timer “A” watch time shall always be entered on the line designated for “A”.
- Initial the swimmer’s entry card.
- Reset all watches after the times are recorded.
- If the swimmer does not complete the heat, place an “X” on the back of the entry card after the words “Did not finish” and initial the front of the card.
- For relays, the swimmers shall swim in the order noted on the card. If the swimmers are out of order, the Referee or designee shall be notified to disqualify the relay. The DQ must occur before any swimmer hits the water.
- For scratches, the recording timer shall turn the card in with the other cards from that heat. The word “SCRATCH” should be placed on the front of the card in the time recording area.
- Runner will pick up the entry card.
Miscellaneous And Important Items
- A swimmer’s entry card is not required to start a race.
- Lane Timers and if used, Recording Timers work together in a lane as a team. The Lane Timers should focus on getting a good time and when compared to the other Lane Timers watches, the times should be within 0.3 seconds.
- If the watch times differ by 0.25 to 0.3 seconds from the other two times, the chief timer should check the watch during the next heat or replace the watch with another watch qualified for the meet.
- Record only the time from your watch or “No Time”. Do not make up times.
- Start watches for all heats whether you have a swimmer or not. The watch can be used for another lane.
- Do not switch watches with another timer. Whoever starts the watch for a heat shall stop the watch except when the watch is exchanged with the chief or assistance chief timer.
- Cell phone use is not permitted. The swimmers deserve our full attention to record an accurate time for their effort.
- In the event you need to be relieved for a brief period, notify the Chief Timer.
- Allow chief judge or referee to make proper disqualification notification on the swimmer’s entry card.
- Do not let yourself become distracted by action in other lanes.
- Allow swimmers in the next heat to approach the starting block especially when heats are utilizing dive-overs.
- It is appropriate to cheer only for the swimmer in your assigned lane. Consistent encouragement for all swimmers in your lane is acceptable.
SAIL Code of Ethics
All members of the League shall adhere to the following Code of Ethics.
- As a participant, I will refrain from all personal action that might provoke other participants, spectators, or officials to unsportsmanlike conduct.
- As an individual, I will refrain from offensive or abusive language and will confine myself to proper remarks at the proper time to officials in charge.
- As a participant, I will respect the dignity of the meet in which I am engaged, the officials, the opponents, and the communities they represent.
- As an individual participant, parent, coach, team, league representative or league officer, I will do nothing that would give myself or my team an unfair advantage over another participant or team.
- As a coach or parent, I will not engage in nor permit actions which will interfere with the operation of the league or its meets; nor will I intrude upon the area of the league and meet officials.
- As a meet official or league officer, I will return courteous answers to legitimate questions and recognize remarks made by authorized persons. I will not allow any acts by others which do not uphold the standards set forth in the by-laws of the league.
- As a participant of the meet, I will maintain an attitude of true sportsmanship.
- As a member of SAIL, I pledge myself to create a mature, healthy, and fair atmosphere for all swimmers at all times.