Division Managers Responsibilities for Championships and Classics
Arranges tent(s) for Championships and Classics (who brings, set up and take down) Supervises above tent(s) placement and communicates tent responsibilities.
Organize Tent set up which begins at 4:00 pm on Friday. Make sure, with each tent, the entire tent including stakes stays inside the painted lines. We need to keep walkways clear. All stakes must be covered (tennis balls or noodles work well). No single "personal" tents can be set up outside the painted areas. If any are not meeting these requirements on Friday night, you will be called to go back to Westside fix the problem.
Select a Division Tent Monitor. This person will be considered the Division Manager unless Deb McClure is notified otherwise (Each team is to provide their own tent parents (two per team) so you can ask a tent parent to be this monitor). This person will be the "go to" person for any problems that arise. Also, this person should make sure the tent area is cleaned up (trash) after each session is over.
Makes certain there are responsible persons under the tent(s) at all time keeping order and calling the swimmers to report to Clerk Of Course
Arranges for fans and extension cords (10 or 12 gauge). for Championships and Classics. Monitor the number of fans per team and the size of the extension cords to assure the generator will continue working. The fans need to be delivered to Westside by 1:00 pm on Friday if you want them to be stored inside.
Provide One Large Cooler of Ice for each session for Championships (am & pm) and Two large coolers of Ice for Classics. The coolers are to be delivered to the Hospitality area which is located in the far back corner near the warm down pool.
Responsible for the cleanup of their division's area on Saturday evening to be ready for Classics
Supervise the Take Down of Tents on Sunday after the end of Classics.
Responsible for removing all trash and articles in your Division's area including all lost and found (including coolers and chairs)
After Classics is over and cleaned up---go on vacation and rest!