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Swim Association Invitational League
Greenville, South Carolina |
Divisionals Champ/Classics SAIL@Greenville News | Team Results: |
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Swim Association Invitational League - BYLAWSSections 1.0 through 9.0 (light green highlight) were approved at the September 2005 meeting. The remaining sections (light red highlight) are under revision and are scheduled for approval later this year (2006). 1.0 Organization NameThe name of the organization shall be Swim Association Invitational League of Greenville, also to be known in an abbreviated form as SAIL, hereinafter referred to as the "League". The league is a nonprofit corporation qualified under Internal Revenue Code of 1986 Section 501(c). 2.0 Purpose And ObjectThe purpose and object of the League is to:
3.0 Members3.1 Full membershipFull membership shall be limited to community pools in the County of Greenville, State of South Carolina, which meet the following criteria:
3.2 Associate membershipAssociate members shall be limited to community pools in the County of Greenville, State of South Carolina, which meet the following criteria:
3.3 Grandfather ClauseAll members currently in the League as of the adoption of these by-laws, August 2005, are grandfathered in. 3.4 Attendance RequirementsA member team must have representation at League meetings and education classes. Further details are set out in the Meetings section herein. 3.5 Financial RequirementsTo remain a member in good standing, member teams must pay dues, fees, and fines as set out herein. 3.6 TerminationTermination of any pool membership will be effected by two-thirds vote of the Membership at a duly called meeting of the Membership, or by letter of resignation addressed to the President of the League from a duly representative vote of the member pool desiring to resign from the League. Further methods of termination of membership involuntarily shall be set out hereinafter. 3.8 ReapplicationA community pool whose membership has been voluntarily or involuntarily terminated may not reapply during the fiscal year the termination was placed into effect. The effective date of termination, either voluntary or involuntary, shall be reflected upon in the minutes of the League by the Secretary at a regular or duly called meeting of the League. 3.8 NumberThe League shall be governed by a Membership comprised of the elected officers and one representative from each pool membership, with no limitation on the number of pools which may be members, having been designated as of the date of the adoption of these By-Laws. 3.9 DutiesIt shall be the duty of each pool member to elect or appoint a responsible interested representative who will serve on the Board of the League for the purpose of administering the By-Laws of the League. A designated alternate may represent a member in the absence of the representative. 3.10 Term of OfficeThe Membership shall serve for a term of one year. The Membership shall serve from the first regularly scheduled meeting in February until the last regularly scheduled meeting in October. 3.11 DutiesEach full member or his/her designated alternate is entitled to one vote. In no event shal any individual be allowed to cast more than one vote. Associate members do not vote. 3.12 Code of EthicsAll members of the League shall adhere to the following Code of Ethics.
4.0 Dues and Fees4.1 The payment of dues and fees by member pools shall be required for participation and membership in the League. The dues and fees shall be established as to amount as recommended by the Executive Board and approved by the Membership in connection with the annual budgeting process and in accordance with the amount deemed necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the League activities. 4.2 The dues shall be determined by the Executive Board and ratified by the Membership at the February board meeting with a minimum being $0.50 per swimmer. 4.3 All dues are payable to the treasurer or his designate by the May Membership meeting. Any pool members who have not paid their dues by the May SAIL meeting will be fined daily until June 1st, at which time said pools that have not paid their dues will be automatically terminated as members in the League and will not be entitled to participate therein. 4.4 Fees, whether entry or splash, for the Division Championships will be set by the Executive Board during the budget process. Fees are due the week of Divisionals at the time set and to the person designated by the Executive Board. Failure to remit appropriate fees will result in the removal of the pool's points in the Division meet and all swimmers from Championship/Classic meet. 4.5 All dues and fees shall be determined by the Executive Board and ratified by the Membership as a part of the budgeting process. A simple majority shall prevail. 5.0 Officers5.1 NumberThe Membership shall elect the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. 5.2 Term of OfficeThe officers shall be elected by the Membership at the last regularly scheduled meeting of the swim season. Any officer elected shall be allowed to serve as an officer in the same officership capacity for a period not exceeding two consecutive terms, of one year each. 5.3 PresidentThe President shall be the chief operating and responsible officer of the League and shall preside at all meetings and shall sign and execute any and all documents and instruments which may be required on behalf of the League and shall perform any and all acts that might be required of a President of any similar organization. 5.4 Vice PresidentThe Vice president shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President, shall be the liaison between the prospective members and the SAIL Membership and is responsible for screening and advising said prospective members. 5.5 SecretaryThe Secretary shall perform the following tasks and any other acts that might be required of a Secretary of any similar organization; such as:
5.6 TreasurerThe Treasurer shall perform the following tasks and any other acts that might be required of a Treasurer of any similar organization; such as:
5.7 Immediate Past PresidentThe immediate past president shall be responsible for ensuring proper parliamentary procedures are followed at all meetings, and reviewing the Bylaws and Handbook to ensure they remain current. 5.8 Removal from office and vacancies
6.0 Meetings6.1 Regular MeetingsRegularly scheduled meetings of the Membership shall be held monthly from February through October. At the last meeting of the Membership in the current year, the Executive Board shall present a calendar for regular meetings for the following year to be approved by the Membership. This calendar shall be posted on the SAIL web site. During the swim season, the Membership meetings shall be held as often as called by the Executive Board. 6.2 Special MeetingsSpecial meetings of the Membership may be called at the discretion of the President or by at least twenty percent of the board members. 6.3 NotificationThe Membership shall be given a reminder at least 5 days prior to regularly scheduled or called meetings. Special meetings not on the approved calendar require a notice a 2 week notice except when an emergency requires an immediate action. 6.4 QuorumAt any scheduled or called meeting of the Membership, a majority of the Membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The action of a majority of the Members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the action of the Membership, except as otherwise provided by law or as otherwise specifically provided in these By-laws. 6.5 Failure to meet
6.6 Education meetingsEach single or combined team is required to certify officials as stated in Article 13.2. Failure to certify any official shall result in a fine of $5.00 per swimmer of the non-compliant team to be paid to SAIL upon notification and paid no later than the division seeding meeting of the current year. Failure to pay the fine will result in the non-compliant team being barred from participation in the division meet. The fine will be equally divided between the compliant teams that swam against the non-compliant team during the current season. 7.0 Executive Board7.1 CompositionThe Executive Board shall be comprised of the officers of the Membership, the immediate past President, the division coordinator, and the chairpersons of the committees as outlined in Article 8. 7.2 MeetingsThe Executive Board shall meet monthly on a date decided by that body. Any member of the Membership may request permission to be present at and/or address any Executive Board meeting. 7.3 ResponsibilitiesIt shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board to bring before the Membership any matters of importance, policy, and direction that may need the guidance and authority of the Membership and shall keep the Board fully apprised of all activities of the various committees and actions of the Executive Board and shall obtain prior approval by the Board before acting on behalf of the League. Further, it shall prepare an agenda for all scheduled and called meetings. 7.4 Removal from office and vacancies
8.0 Committees8.1 AppointmentThe President with the advice and consent of the Executive Board shall appoint committee chairpersons as follows: Education, Rules, Insurance, Software, a Division Coordinator, a WebMaster and a Championship/Classic Meet Director. The President may also appoint the following committee chairpersons: Publicity, Membership, Historian, and Coach Liaison. Each committee shall have as many members as the President deems necessary for the committee to function properly and carry out the goals set forth hereinafter. Committees are accountable to and no action can be taken without approval of the Executive Board. 8.2 BudgetsAll committee chairmen shall submit a budget for the operation of the committees to the Treasurer before the January meeting of the Executive Board. Each committee chair is responsible for authorizing disbursements made from that budget line item. Any monies due under said committee's jurisdiction shall be collected by that chair or designate, tabulated and then be given to the treasurer. 8.3 Education CommitteeThe President with the advice and consent of the Executive Board shall appoint an Education Chairman who shall be responsible for arranging all clinics and training of officials. This committee shall set the standards of participating team officials and qualify the officials for participation in such swim meets. 8.4 Rules CommitteeThe President with the advice and consent of the Executive Board shall appoint a Rules Chairman who shall be familiar with the rules of US swimming, assist in determining whether SAIL should make exception to USS rules. Further, this committee shall collect, correlate, and present to the Executive Board all protests, criticisms, and suggestions from pool members regarding the rules of swimming during the year and shall promulgate and communicate any changes of rules or regulations as directed by the Membership. 8.5 Publicity CommitteeThe President with the advice and consent of the Executive Board shall appoint a Publicity Coordinator who shall be the Leagues' liaison to all media venues, shall provide information regarding League activities, and be responsible for obtaining maximum publicity in order to promote the League through all available news media. 8.6 Membership CommitteeThe Membership Committee, chaired by the Vice President, shall be responsible for screening of prospective members and recommending same to the Membership if, in the judgment of said committee, said applicant meets the standards herein. 8.7 Division CoordinatorThe President with the advice and consent of the Executive Board shall appoint a Division Coordinator who shall conduct all communications between the Division Managers and the Executive Board. The coordinator shall schedule and direct the planning of all aspects of the regular season competition and Division Championships. Said coordinator shall compile the standards of administration and participation of Division Championships. 8.8 HistorianA Historian shall be appointed by the President to collect and maintain news articles and any other materials documenting the activities and accomplishments of the association. 8.9 ResponsibilitiesSoftware. The President with the advice and consent of the Executive Board shall appoint a Software Coordinator. The Software Coordinator and Committee shall be responsible for: recommending, acquiring, maintaining and training of the team and meet software products utilized by SAIL teams; assisting the Divisional Coordinator and Championship/Classic Meet Director by establishing Divisional Meet software requirements; combining results that establish the Championship/Classic Meets; collect and correlate the results of the Division Championships; and providing combined SAIL scoring reports. 8.10 InsuranceThe President with the advice and consent of the Executive Board shall appoint an Insurance Coordinator who shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary coverage for SAIL team operations. In addition, he/she shall coordinate the reporting of incidents that occur during SAIL sanctioned operations. 8.11 Coach LiaisonThe President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board shall appoint a Coach Liaison to establish a communication system with the coaches, plan the agenda for the annual coaches meeting, and develop ways to educate, encourage and train the coaches who serve our member pools. 8.12 WebMasterThe President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, shall appoint a Web Master to …… 8.13 Ad HocThe President, with the consent of the Executive Board and the Membership, shall appoint special committees as needs arise to carry on the work of the organization. The President shall define the functions and responsibilities of the committee. These committees are accountable to the Executive Board. Ad Hoc committees are automatically terminated after one year. 9.0 SAIL Fiscal Policies9.1 Fiscal YearThe fiscal year of the association shall begin on the 1st day of January and end on the 31st day of December in each year. The Membership shall have the power to change the fiscal year in its discretion upon resolution duly enacted. 9.2 Safeguarding of assetsThe officers of SAIL are responsible for the safeguarding, accountability and maintenance of the assets of the organization. The following are principles, policies and guidelines to provide for these responsibilities. 9.3 Reporting and accountabilityThe treasurer shall make regular and periodic financial reports on a timely basis, no less than quarterly and more frequently during the active times of the year. The reports shall be in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as modified for the cash basis of accounting. At a minimum, a balance sheet, operating statement and transaction register shall be submitted in this reporting process. The accounting database is in a Quickbooks file and that database shall be continuously maintained through the years. 9.4 Segregation of dutiesThe treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of SAIL and make the necessary deposits and transactions. Deposits should be collected, tabulated and submitted to the treasurer and the treasurer should not be actively involved in collecting and tabulating deposits. Likewise, the treasurer shall not authorize disbursements, but rather pay the disbursements as properly authorized by the official responsible for the budget line item. 9.5 AuthorizationThe treasurer shall submit annually, prior to the commencement of the fiscal year, an operating budget in sufficient detail according to the functions assigned to the officers of SAIL. The budget shall be approved by the Executive Board and ratified by the Membership. The treasurer shall not initiate or approve any transactions, but rather process those approved by the officer responsible for the applicable budget line item. The treasurer shall not expend funds in excess of the budgeted authorization; should such an instance arise, the treasurer shall obtain prior approval in the form of a budget amendment. 9.6 Oversight and reviewAnnual oversight - The treasurer shall timely open the books and surrender them to a qualified person to be named by the Executive Board. This qualified person shall timely inspect, verify and confirm the records to the extent necessary to provide the SAIL Executive Board with the necessary comfort that these policies have been followed. Officer transition - When the office of treasurer position is rotated, there shall be an immediate inspection process as described above so that SAIL is assured of timely transition of records, proper cut-off of responsibility and continuity of accountability. These functions of oversight and review shall be the responsibility of the SAIL President and shall be reported upon to the Executive Board. A duplicate copy of the monthly bank statement shall be sent to the President of the League. 10.0 BUDGETSAll committee chairman shall submit a budget for the operation of the committees to the Treasurer who shall correlate and present an annual budget to the Board of Directors for approval, with said budgets being presented no later than the first regularly scheduled meeting of the swim season. Safeguarding of assets. The officers of SAIL are responsible for the safeguarding, accountability and maintenance of the assets of the organization. The following are principles, policies and guidelines to provide for these responsibilities. Reporting and accountability. The treasurer shall make regular and periodic financial reports on a timely basis, no less than quarterly and more frequently during the active times of the year. The reports shall be in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as modified for the cash basis of accounting. At a minimum, a balance sheet, operating statement and transaction register shall be submitted in this reporting process. The accounting database is in a Quickbooks file and that database shall be continuously maintained through the years. Segregation of duties. The treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of SAIL and make the necessary deposits and transactions. Deposits should be collected, tabulated and submitted to the treasurer and the treasurer should not be actively involved in collecting and tabulating deposits. Likewise, the treasurer shall not authorize disbursements, but rather pay the disbursements as properly authorized by the official responsible for the budget line item. Authorization. The treasurer shall submit annually, prior to the commencement of the fiscal year, an operating budget in sufficient detail according to the functions assigned to the officers of SAIL. The budget shall be approved by the executive committee and ratified by the board of directors.
Oversight and review. These functions of oversight and review shall be the responsibility of the SAIL vice president and shall be reported upon to the executive committee.
11.0 STRUCTURES OF THE LEAGUE – DIVISIONS11.1 Number. The number of divisions and the assignments of member pools to divisions will be recommended by the Executive Committee, who will use as the primary criteria the number of current teams and a point system based on the results of the previous year's division meets. In this system the finish order of SAIL teams will be based on points assigned to the top 60 times in each event, considering all results in all divisional meets. The breakpoints or dividing points between divisions will be established by factors including, but not limited to, the point spread between teams, and anticipated changes in the number of swimmers on a team. The recommendation on divisional makeup must be approved by the Board of Directors. 11.2 Change. Any member pool may request a change from one division to another by written request to the Division Coordinator prior to February meeting of the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors shall promptly advise said member pool of the result of the Board’s decision as to what division said member pool shall participate in and the ruling of the Board of Directors shall be final. 11.3 Division Manager. Each division board member will meet by March of each year and select its Division Manager and the Division Managers will be responsible for the managing of their division. 11.4 Meets. The Executive Committee will recommend a meet schedule, which is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, that will allow a minimum of five dual, or triangular, meets. Meets that are cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, such as weather, may be rescheduled at any time prior to the end of the last Saturday before the Division Championships. a) The emphasis of these meets will be on individual swimmers and maximum individual participation within each team. Team points will not be kept at dual or triangular meets. b) Each division must conduct its Division Championships according to the standards set up by the Executive Committee and the Division Coordinator. c) All SAIL meets must be conducted within the framework of the current USS Rules and Regulations for Short Course Meets except where specifically addressed by the SAIL BYLAWS or HANDBOOK. 11.5 Protests. Any division problems or protests at a swim meet that cannot be resolved from within the division must be put in writing, signed and brought to the attention of the Division Coordinator. The Division Coordinator will bring the problem to the Executive Committee and the decision of the Executive Committee shall be final. 12.0 DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIPS12.1 The Division Championships will be under the direct supervision of the Division Coordinator. 12.2 Host Pool. The Division will meet and choose a host pool within their division which meets the following physical requirements:
12.3 Entry Fees. Entry fees will be fixed by the Executive Committee and collected by the League Treasurer. 12.4 Meet Director. The Division will appoint a meet director who will direct and manage the Division Championships according to the standards of the League and the current USS Swim Rules. 12.5 Referee. Each Division Championship will have a current SAIL or USS certified referee. 12.6 Scoring. Each Division Championship will score and record in the same method as prescribed by the Division Coordinator. 12.7 Results. Each division championship will provide a complete set of results to the Division Coordinator immediately following the conclusion of the meet. The results will be shown as descending individual results plus total team points. 12.8 Qualification of a Swimmer. To participate in a Division Championship, a swimmer must have participated in two dual meets. If a swimmer is not actually able to participate due to weather or some other unforeseen circumstance that cancels a meet, meet participation will be counted if the swimmer was present at the beginning of the meet and was ready to swim. Written verification will be required from the swimmer’s coach and all SAIL Reps of the participating teams. 12.9 Awards. Team awards for the Division Championship will be the responsibility of the League. 12.10. The Division Championship meet may be split over two days. Stroke order MUST be followed: Medley Relay, Short Free, Individual Medley, Breaststroke, Long Free, Backstroke, Butterfly, and Free Relay. Reasonable changes, such as allowing specific age groups to swim one session and others the next session, may be made. 12.11 Any use of a second pool at the division meet site after the start of the meet/session is not allowed. 12.12 Starting blocks located on the end opposite from the starter CANNOT be used during relay events. For age groups swimming one length of the pool the second and fourth swimmers will start from the deck. First and third swimmers may use the blocks or start from the deck. 13.0 INDIVIDUAL TEAM PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS13.1 Each Board member will be responsible for informing his member team of the Rules for participation in the league. 13.2 Officials. Each member single or combined team must qualify with the Chairman of the Education Committee the following minimum number of officials to-wit: 10 timers, 2 stroke and turn judges, 1 starter, 1 referee, 1 clerk-of-course, and 2 records people.
13.3 Dual and Triangular Meets. Each member team must be responsible for the conduct of meets hosted by their team.
13.4 Each member team will be encouraged to provide for maximum individual participation of all its swimmers in all dual or triangular and Division Championship meets. 13.5 Results. The SAIL rep from the member team who hosts a meet will be responsible for retaining a copy of the meet results until after the Classic meet has been held. 13.6 All scratches for championships/classics must be finalized prior to the beginning of the Divisional meet. Any changes must be posted to the computer diskette before the results are turned in to the Division Coordinator. The division meet director must turn in the meet results (including the computer diskette results) to the Division Coordinator as soon as possible after the conclusion of the Divisional meet. Any scratches made after the diskette has been turned in will be considered a late scratch and subject to the appropriate fine. (see Section 13.7) 13.7 A swimmer who is a late scratch at either the Championship or Classic meets for other than a valid (physical, death in the family, etc.) reason will be fined $25.00 per event payable to the League. The responsibility for the fine is on the team. Failure to pay said fine(s) by February meeting of the next year on the part of the team makes that team and all its members ineligible to participate in SAIL until all fines are paid. This fine does not apply to alternates who have not been called by Thursday night. 13.8 An individual's eligibility to compete in SAIL meets is based upon the individual's family membership in their SAIL member community pool. For an individual to participate on a member community pool outside his/her community, his/her family must have purchased a regular family membership in that pool prior to competing in any team activities. Meets in which a swimmer participates prior to the purchasing of the membership will not be counted towards Division Championship eligibility. Swimmers participating under the membership of a grandparent will be eligible if the community pool approves such participation. Any other exceptions requests must be submitted on the Eligibility Exception Form for approval by the Board of Directors. Under normal circumstances a swimmer’s permanent residence must not be beyond South Carolina counties adjacent to Greenville County. A swimmer may only swim for one team during a season. An individual will not be eligible to compete in SAIL meets where such individual's membership is a direct result of the individual's employment by the member team. Outside recruitment of swimmers by any member team for SAIL competition is specifically precluded by the provisions of this section. Violations of this rule may result in penalties against the offending team of up to and including termination of SAIL membership. 13.9 Participants' age will be determined by their age at the end of the day on May 31st, with the maximum age being 18 years old. Effective with the 2001 swim year, each year a copy of each swimmer’s birth certificate must be turned into the Team’s SAIL Rep, or otherwise be on file with SAIL, at the time of the swimmer’s registration with SAIL for that swim year. 13.10 Sale and/or use of alcoholic beverages and smoking are prohibited in all areas of the venue, including, but not limited to pool deck, locker rooms, spectator seating or standing areas, and in all areas used by swimmers. Failure to comply with this provision shall result in a penalty proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. 13.11 Each member team may form a developmental team (e.g. Guppies) for those children who are not yet ready to compete on the regular swim team. Such developmental teams may schedule meets among themselves at their convenience. Said meets shall comply with all relevant health and safety regulations, but need not conform with SAIL rules for conducting dual meets between member teams. 14.0 LEAGUE MEETS (CHAMPIONSHIP AN CLASSICS)14.1 Meets. The League will directly manage and have operational responsibility for conducting two meets: the SAIL Classic and the SAIL Championship. These meets will be held on separate days. These dates to be determined by the Vice President of the League. 14.2 Qualifications. Qualifications for the SAIL Classic and SAIL Championships will be based on times obtained during the Division Championships (preliminaries) held within each division. 14.3 Eligibility. Eligibility and entry in Individual Championships of the SAIL will be the same as the eligibility and entry requirements in dual meets with the exception of that noted in Article XI, Section 8 "Qualification of a Swimmer". 14.4 Classics. For the SAIL Classic, the twelve to sixteen (12-16) best times from the Division Championships (preliminaries) will qualify for competition; two heats of six to eight (6-8) lanes in each event. 14.5 Championships. For the SAIL Championships, the 13th through 30th or 17th through 40th fastest swimmers, as determined in the Division Championships (preliminaries), will compete in each event; three heats of six or eight lanes in each event, plus two alternates. 14.6 Maximum. A swimmer may swim a maximum of three (3) individual events. 14.7 Scratches. Scratches for reasons of physical disability only must be presented to the clerk-of-course no later than thirty minutes before the start of the meet (see Section 13.8). 15.0 EVENTS: ORDER AND DISTANCESAIL events shall be as follows:
This shall be the order of events for dual meets and for the Divisional Championship meets, with girls events first followed by boys. (i.e. girls 8&under medley relay, boys 8&under medley relay, etc. ending the meet with girls 15-18 free relay and boys 15-18 free relay.) The placement of relays may vary for the SAIL Classics and is specified in the SAIL Handbook. 16.0 AWARDSAll finishers (other than those disqualified) in the SAIL Championships and Classics will receive awards. 17.0 VOTINGAny amendment to the by-laws must be submitted in writing, to the membership at least (2) weeks prior to a meeting. For an amendment to pass, a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the eligible voters must be cast in person. Proposed changes and additions to the Handbook will be submitted to the Board of Directors for their input. The Executive Board will consider that input and make only those modifications that will be in accordance with Section 2.1 – PURPOSE AND OBJECT. |